LoVe Artes Print Catalog - Volume 1
September 2024
Revision 2.0                  
7 Years Old
Available Prints
10 x 11 inch
- Limited Edition
16 x 18 inch
24 x 27 inch
32 x 36 inch
40 x 45 inch
48 x 54 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
The premise behind this painting encompasses the feelings of being a boy. All the promise and wonderment of the future, which he holds in his hands. As well as the times gone past, signified by the toys he is no longer playing with strewn about the floor.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
7 Years Old - Mega Detail
Available Prints
10 1/2 x 12 inch
15 1/2 x 8 1/2 inch
- Limited Edition
16 x 18 inch
24 x 27 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
The premise behind this painting encompasses the feelings of being a boy. All the promise and wonderment of the future, which he holds in his hands. As well as the times gone past, signified by the toys he is no longer playing with strewn about the floor.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
A Person of High Importance
Available Prints
12 x 16 inch
18 x 24 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
At one point in my career I was doing house painting for important people, movie stars and doctors and what have you. And I noticed that a lot of them never had company, never seem to socialize, so this idea came into mind.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Adam Arise
Available Prints
16 x 13 inch
24 x 19 inch
32 x 26 inch
48 x 38 inch
60 x 48 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
This painting is called "Adam Arise!", with an exclamation point. It is an order, instead of a request. People have asked why I forwent putting in the Garden of Eden. Well, it messed up the composition, and took away too much from the moment in
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Almost Home
Available Prints
12 x 10 inch
12 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
24 x 19 inch
30 x 24 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
Back in 2005 I got this idea, by riding a horse in Big Meadow, that "Almost Home" would be a really good idea. So, I put this guy on a horse on a hill, with his house down below. He may seem far away from home, but who knows, could be close.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Ancient Future Ruins
Available Prints
15 1/2 x 8 1/2 inch
- Limited Edition
24 x 12 inch
48 x 24 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
In Red Rock Canyon, above Las Vegas, there are rocks that look like Sponges. Greatly enlarged, big enough to crawl in for a while. In one, I got this idea of a place, where advanced alien civilizations would come and marvel at our own future spaceports.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Available Prints
13 x 10 inch
13 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
Our imagination can take us to a substrate of a planet far away, in a distant galaxy. The atmosphere is calm, the liquid lake, or pond, could conceivably be any given element known to man, or not known to man.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Arms and Legs
Available Prints
14 x 11 inch
13 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
18 x 14 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
What it could look like if someone lay nude on the floor, and a person looked at them from below their feet. Some think it looks like an abstract, in can be, if you want it to be. To me, it is another perspective view of the natural beauty of Human form.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Aspen Lakes
Available Prints
13 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
20 x 18 inch
26 x 24 inch
40 x 36 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
Aspens reflected in the waters of an icy lake, surrounded by snow, in a landscape reflective of winter wonderland. Picturesque, quaint, colorful and bright, as Aspen trees usually tend to be out in nature.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Aspen Meadow
Available Prints
16 x 7 inch
- Limited Edition
20 x 9 inch
40 x 18 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
Beautiful Aspen trees with yellowish orange leaves accentuating a cool fall feeling.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Aspens (Reflected)
Available Prints
10 x 14 inch
- Limited Edition
14 x 21 inch
20 x 30 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
Yellow-orange aspens reflected in a body of still water. One can say, this painting allows us a time to reflect upon our daily routine. The original artwork was completed in 1976.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Aspens in Snow (Fall Snow)
Available Prints
8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inch
folded card
12 x 9 inch
16 x 12 inch
14 x 10 1/2 inch
- Limited Edition
24 x 18 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
Aspens in Snow is a painting I did for my sister Gini (Virginia Loney), whom asked I do a painting for her family home. Aspens are such beautiful trees, that's why I have quite a few paintings featuring Aspens.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Betwixt n' Between
Available Prints
12 x 18 inch
18 x 27 inch
24 x 36 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
The little guy in the center is in the present, the dark figures are the past, and the figures in the light are the future. So, the little guy in the middle has to decide how much of the past he is going to take with him into the future.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Big Puffy Clouds
Available Prints
13 x 10 inch
13 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
Just a beautiful quaint little picture of what it would look like if we were flying over big puffy clouds.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Available Prints
10 x 13 inch
- Limited Edition
15 x 20 inch
24 x 32 inch
36 x 48 inch
54 x 72 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
Caretaker is the little guy in the middle, he has a leaf in his hands, and he walks back and forth as he he cares for the trees in his vicinity.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Children in the Park
Available Prints
16 x 5 inch
- Limited Edition
23 x 9 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
This artwork was created for my mother, whom loved a sketch I had done. The children, are pictured playing, and adults mingling, all under a blue-skied, sunny day, in a park.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Available Prints
10 x 12 inch
- Limited Edition
14 x 18 inch
24 x 30 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
This idea came to me when we were camping at Big Meadow, at 8000 feet, in the Sierras. I was sitting on a rock, a lot of trees around me, and it was a little gusty, and so it started sounding like conversations, like they were talking to each other.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Cottonwood Hill
Available Prints
14 x 10 inch
14 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
Just a vibrantly pink and green landscape picture, with a whole lot of each of those colors. You'll also find some blues in the sky and even more pink in the Cottonwood.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Cracker Jacks and Apple Honey
Available Prints
8 x 10 inch
8 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
One day I was watching a show on the television, when a commercial popped up. The commercial revolved around, "Cracker Jacks and Apple Honey", so naturally, I being a surrealist, got a vision of what you see here as a painting.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Creation of Adam and Eve
Available Prints
12 x 16 inch
12 1/2 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
24 x 32 inch
36 x 48 inch
48 x 64 inch
60 x 80 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
This is a dream that starts in the dark, there's a point of bright light in the distance. The light gets closer and closer, and finally, when it gets close enough, it seems to split into two. Like, drops of water.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Cupid's Cove
Available Prints
14 x 11 inch
12 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
18 x 14 inch
24 x 19 inch
30 x 24 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
There are faces in the clouds, like little children, everything's reflected on the bottom. Everything makes hearts. The title of this is the "Cupid's Cove", and it was a Valentine's gift I thought up in 1994.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Dance of the Moon and Sun
Available Prints
12 x 9 inch
20 x 15 inch
14 x 10 1/2 inch
- Limited Edition
24 x 18 inch
32 x 24 inch
40 x 30 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
After watching a show about the Universe, which focused entirely on the celestial dance our Sun and our Moon go through in their lifetimes, I figured I'd personify it, by painting them as human-like forms.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Darwin's Man
Available Prints
14 x 21 inch
20 x 30 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
One day, I got the idea of combing Darwin's theory on Evolution into one figure, so I painted "Darwin's Man". He starts out as gelatin, then goes into scales, then into fur then into skin, and then he's reaching for the next step in Evolution.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Delta Dawn
Available Prints
12 x 9 inch
20 x 15 inch
13 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
A memory of I went boating in the deltas with my brother and his kids. It was always a wonderful experience, one which typically took place early in the morning.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Available Prints
12 x 20 inch
18 x 30 inch
24 x 40 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
This painting was painted while I was working at a job, through a company, at Jack Nicholson’s ranch house in Malibu. I could see down to the ocean from the window, so I embellished upon the sight and created this picture.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Emerging Artist
Available Prints
14 x 11 inch
13 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
18 x 14 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
Quite simply, an artist hatching out of an egg, with a paintbrush in his hand. The premise, being the artist coming out of his shell unto the world stage. A coming of age for the young painter, if you will.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Eternal Quest
Available Prints
9 x 12 inch
9 x 12 inch
- Limited Edition
12 x 16 inch
18 x 24 inch
24 x 32 inch
30 x 40 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
In my conversations with people I tell them about how I flew in my dreams. And everyone that I had ever met, has always flown too. So, I decided I might do a painting of it. I had a great deal of fun doing it.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Faces Without Faces
Available Prints
12 x 15 inch
10 x 12 inch
- Limited Edition
18 x 23 inch
28 x 22 inch
36 x 28 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
There are two things we always look at in order to determine how people look, and that's the eyes and the mouth, they're the most expressive of all. So, I decided to do a painting of that long discussion I had with my friends on the subject of expression.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Available Prints
12 x 9 inch
20 x 15 inch
13 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
24 x 18 inch
32 x 24 inch
40 x 30 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
Shining through the breaks in the trees and their leaves, flickers dance their way in streams, as the sunlight prances on its path to our eyes and our very senses. A serene little painting many people love.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Available Prints
12 x 17 inch
10 x 14 inch
- Limited Edition
20 x 28 inch
26 x 36 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
I've had been trying to do a painting of flight for many years, sketch after sketch, concept after concept. Finally, I decided I would simplify it. Its really a study of yellows and purples, with a man in it, who has become a winged creature.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Gardens of Mount Eden
Available Prints
12 x 18 inch
18 x 27 inch
24 x 36 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
In conversations, we were talking about the Gardens of Eden, how they would exist and how they came to be. Making way for the idea behind this painting, which allowed my imagination to run wild with possibilities.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Available Prints
7 1/2 x 15 inch
7 1/2 x 15 inch
- Limited Edition
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
My love for nature has always drawn me to create art that's an homage to the beauty in of itself. This picture is no different. I call this painting, Geode. Used a small Geode as my subject, and used palette knifes as well as brushes to get the textures.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
German Windmill
Available Prints
12 x 9 inch
14 x 10 1/2 inch
- Limited Edition
16 x 12 inch
24 x 18 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
I did this painting in the 1950s. My brother Curt, was stationed in Germany, and asked me to make a painting of this scene he had on a slide once he got back.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Girl With Mirror
Available Prints
10 x 15 inch
- Limited Edition
12 x 18 inch
18 x 27 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
I did two portraits of a little girl, while living in Las Vegas. I worked with Bat Henderson at that time. Her mother, who commissioned me to paint a portrait, didn't like this painting since she had her arm up in, what she deemed, a flirtatious manner.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Gumball Machine
Available Prints
8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inch
folded card
10 1/2 x 14 inch
- Limited Edition
12 x 16 inch
18 x 24 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
The 1960's were quite the fun times indeed, which is why I did this painting. It touches on the premise that one could get lucky in getting either a gumball, or a baby, from their licentious behavior.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Happy Face Meadow
Available Prints
12 x 9 inch
20 x 15 inch
14 x 10 1/2 inch
- Limited Edition
24 x 18 inch
32 x 24 inch
40 x 30 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
Just a happy painting, a happy face painting. I wanted this painting to be sparkly, sparkle with sunshine, and, happy, so that the way I did it. The flowers portray the mouth and eyes, while the the face is being portrayed by the round cast of sunlight.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
He-She Mountain
Available Prints
14 x 10 inch
20 x 15 inch
9 x 12 inch
- Limited Edition
30 x 22 inch
40 x 30 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
One line, drawn across the horizon, is the woman’s profile looking downwards, the sky. He is the mountain, you can see his profile, with his nose, lips, chin, the rest of it I just ad-libbed. I set faces up in the clouds, and in the rocks, here and there.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
High Water
Available Prints
10 x 12 1/2 inch
10 x 12 1/2 inch
- Limited Edition
14 x 18 inch
20 x 26 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
A tree, in the middle of rolling hills, is inundated by the rising water level. Can be anything, a Human caused change, or a natural occurrence. Who knows? All we know, is that its a beautiful, colorful and quite vibrant piece of art.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Home Sweet Home
Available Prints
8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inch
folded card
12 x 16 inch
10 1/2 x 14 inch
- Limited Edition
16 x 22 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
While we were hiking in the desert, we saw some birds flying into a cactus, and it seemed totally improbable. But, when we got closer, there was a nest inside, and I decided I would paint it. Some have mansions, these little birds have a cactus.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Horsehead Mesa
Available Prints
8 1/2 x 15 1/2 - Limited Edition
12 x 24 inch
24 x 48 inch
36 x 72 inch
48 x 96 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
I was fascinated with the enormous mesas in Arizona. So, I came home and invented my own. The red rock monoliths are quite simply an amazing sight, towering over man like sentries of the land!
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Iceberg Cathedral
Available Prints
10 x 13 inch
10 x 13 inch
- Limited Edition
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
Saw a special on television about the inside of ice caves. Was so enthralled by it, figured I'd try my hand at drawing ice.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Into Eternity
Available Prints
18 x 20 inch
30 x 26 inch
36 x 41 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
This painting started as a small light in a dark background, and as it grew larger and larger there appeared motion going into it. Finally, it became so close that I could see they were figures, then it became so close that I felt drawn into it.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Available Prints
15 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
21 x 14 inch
36 x 24 inch
54 x 36 inch
72 x 48 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
The painting is nice and serene, and everything. However, if you look at all the plants below, its another landscape. And in the greenish areas, there's another landscape within the landscape. There's a dusting of snow cover over the landscape.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Available Prints
15 1/2 x 7 inch
- Limited Edition
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
In 1991, when I painted this, times were very unsettled. There was a lot of job losses, homes were being lost, and there was some Supreme Court decisions that didn't go right, at least from my own perspectives and feelings. So, I did this as a protest.
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Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Available Prints
40 x 21 inch
50 x 26 inch
60 x 32 inch
70 x 37 inch
80 x 42 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
The original painting was commission, which went over a fireplace, which was framed like it was a window. The painting depicts many beautiful Lupines, which grow in the mountains. Actually, they grow everywhere, but they're prominent at higher altitudes.
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Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
March Marsh
Available Prints
15 x 7 inch
15 x 7 inch
- Limited Edition
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
I don't know why I did it. I just felt like doing some grass, so I did it. The blue water, and the pale yellow sky, makes for quite a contrasting setting for the grassy setting.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
March Marsh - Detail
Available Prints
15 x 10 inch
15 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
I just felt like doing some grass, so I did it. The blue water, and the pale yellow sky, makes for quite a contrasting setting for the grassy setting. When too much grass is not your style, get yourself a detail shot!
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Marmalade Skies
Available Prints
9 x 12 inch
12 x 16 inch
10 x 11 inch
- Limited Edition
18 x 24 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
A dramatic view to help illustrate the remarkable Beatles song, in a fairy tale setting. A beautiful song, deserves a beautiful setting. Here a girl, with diamonds in her hair, swirls around as a fellow watches on, enchanted.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Available Prints
14 x 21 inch
24 x 36 inch
36 x 54 inch
48 x 72 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
At the bottom there's a lot of people flowing into the body, sort of like meditation, you take in the world, you get acquainted with it, and then you suddenly understand it. So, the people above, coming out, are the understanding this person has had.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Meditation Rock
Available Prints
10 x 13 inch
10 x 13 inch
- Limited Edition
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
When you learn to meditate, you feel as if you are one with nature, rising above all the noise to find your inner peace-driven sanctum. As such, is what I try to illustrate with this painting, aptly titled: "Meditation".
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Available Prints
13 x 14 inch
22 x 24 inch
32 x 36 inch
43 x 48 inch
54 x 60 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
The two floating characters have just put themselves into their trail of memories. I tried to include as many emotions as possible, and like memories, none of them are complete, or very few of them are very vivid.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Mother Nature's Shower
Available Prints
9 x 12 inch
12 x 16 inch
9 x 12 inch
- Limited Edition
18 x 24 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
There is a small crack in the large rock, there is a small waterfall pouring from it, in Zion National Park. So, I came home in turned the crack into mother nature showering in the open.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Mountain Meadow
Available Prints
12 x 24 inch
8 1/2 x 15 1/2 - Limited Edition
24 x 48 inch
36 x 72 inch
48 x 96 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
This painting is based on a collection of memories, culminating from my many adventures in the mountains. It somewhat resembles one of my favorite camping places.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
My Secret Cave
Available Prints
12 x 9 inch
13 1/2 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
16 x 12 inch
18 x 24 inch
32 x 24 inch
40 x 30 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
My life was adventurous, leading me to some great experiences in nature, and from those experiences I put together perspectives to create surrealistic artwork. This one is my secret cave, a place I wish existed so that I may experience it.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Pebble Puddles
Available Prints
14 x 9 inch
20 x 13 inch
26 x 17 inch
30 x 20 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
This is just a little thought I came up with, back in 1992. Creating this painting, was easier than it looks like. Its just pebbles and puddles.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Piece of Cake
Available Prints
12 x 12 inch
10 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
24 x 24 inch
36 x 36 inch
48 x 48 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
This painting portrays a piece of cake in which the white cake stands in for the white man. Whereas the icing is made up of dark colored people, all except for one are dead. The cake is placed on a golden plate, to signify wealth attained via subjugation.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Polkadot Hills
Available Prints
10 x 15 inch
- Limited Edition
18 x 12 inch
27 x 18 inch
36 x 24 inch
54 x 36 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
We were coming back from Utah, from a camping trip. We were in the northern part of Nevada, near the extinct volcano, Ubehebe. Snow melted on the cinders because they were hot, but on the plants it stayed, and it created sorta three-dimensional landscape.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Available Prints
20 x 12 inch
30 x 18 inch
40 x 24
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
A marvelous patch of poppies, recessed into a mountainous environment. Dark clouds are abound, they are either coming or going, who knows. Nature is so wonderful! You just never know what you will find.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Post Plains
Available Prints
10 x 18 inch
8 1/2 x 15 inch
- Limited Edition
20 x 36 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
This is what happens to you if you are a beautiful prairie, after you have been eroded away by the elements. The elements of Nature as well as Human consumption.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Public Housing
Available Prints
12 x 8 inch
18 x 12 inch
15 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
24 x 16 inch
30 x 20 inch
36 x 24 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
In Arizona and Utah there are these red Sandstone cliffs. And some of them, they look like there are a lot of rocks that just fell out and created little holes, or caves. And in some areas, the birds, when it was sheltered, would build their nests in it.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Available Prints
10 x 10 inch
10 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
Aspens trees are always intriguing to me, for a group of Aspens, and a indeed a forest of them, seem to have eyes of their own. This painting is no different, in that there's a small puddle of water from which a grove of Aspens is reflected.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Rainbow Bridge
Available Prints
16 x 12 inch
14 x 10 1/2 inch
- Limited Edition
24 x 18 inch
32 x 24 inch
36 x 27 inch
40 x 30 inch
48 x 36 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
There is a huge magnificent arch at Lake Powell. From a distance there was a rainbow against dark clouds above the arch, but as one approached, the rainbow was underneath. So, I painted both into my scene.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Available Prints
14 x 9 1/2 inch
- Limited Edition
20 x 14 inch
34 x 24 inch
51 x 36 inch
69 x 48 inch
85 x 60 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
All these people are in the shadows, all of us are in the shadows, because even though we may be successful, or rich, or poor, or educated or whatever, we're still in the shadows because there's a few elements that are missing from our lives.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Available Prints
10 x 12 inch
10 x 12 inch
- Limited Edition
14 x 17 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
I did this painting for my mother, she loved roses. She came to visit me, in California, she couldn't believe the roses were in full bloom in the middle of Winter, in December.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Secret Box
Available Prints
12 x 19 inch
18 x 28 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
This was done as a poster, appealing to a little boy. So, I made it like he opened up a box, not unlike Pandora's box, but with a whole different outlook. This is sort of a history lesson, going from the caveman days, into the Renaissance, and the future.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Silent Canyon
Available Prints
18 x 10 inch
15 x 8 1/2 inch
- Limited Edition
27 x 15 inch
36 x 20 inch
54 x 30 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
There is but a hint of man atop these series of walls. A streamlined version of the Grand Canyon in the early morning hours.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Available Prints
18 x 28 inch
24 x 37 inch
36 x 56 inch
48 x 75 inch
54 x 84 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
I've always been interested in the Universe, even when I was a child. Following Carl Sagan's exploration and explanations of the Universe, I decided that I would create my own "Starmaker". This was my first full-sized figure.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Starting Point
Available Prints
10 x 11 inch
10 x 11 inch
- Limited Edition
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
My memory doesn't help me in remembering the reason why I did this specific painting. There are spirits being spirited up through a pipeline of sorts, from a round, world looking feature with more figures in it. I really, simply, can't recall the purpose
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Storm at Sea
Available Prints
15 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
18 x 12 inch
24 x 16 inch
30 x 20 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
From my time in the U.S. Navy, I can remember many a storms we went through, as we traversed the Pacific Ocean in or out of convoy. Some storms are terrific, quite violent and imposing in nature, while other storms seem to be easy to overcome.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
Swingin' Tree
Available Prints
13 x 10 inch
13 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
When I was little, there was a canyon, and there was a tree right over the edge of it. And, someone had tied a rope on it. We used it to swing over the canyon below.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
The Bird Woman
Available Prints
10 x 14 inch
8 1/2 x 15 inch
- Limited Edition
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
This little painting consists of birds on a sandy beach. The birds are placed in such a position that they form a profile of a woman's face, with the water as her hair, it's kind of an illusion.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
The Bridge
Available Prints
14 x 10 inch
10 x 14 inch
- Limited Edition
17 1/2 x 14 1/2 inch

Vernon Finney
Brief Description
As illustrated in my painting, similar to this one, titled "Drifting Apart", arguments tend to tear us apart. Yet, when we make up, and see our differences only as stepping stones toward a better connected future.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
The Choir
Available Prints
12 x 14 inch
9 x 10 1/2 inch
- Limited Edition
18 x 21 inch
24 x 28 inch
30 x 35 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
We stopped at the Bryce Canyons, and got a horse, and we went down into the bottom of the canyon, spent six hours down there, traveling around. And, the spires almost look like people, so I could almost hear them singing, so I came home a painted it.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
The City
Available Prints
9 1/2 x 15 inch
9 1/2 x 15 inch
- Limited Edition
24 x 16 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
One of the very few pieces of Abstract art I ever did, this one depicting a skyscraper heavy waterfront city.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
The Crack
Available Prints
14 x 11 inch
13 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
18 x 14 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
Lots of flora protrudes from the opening (crack) on the substrate, as well as into the distance, away from the feature. Leaving many more questions than answers. What is the meaning of the crack? Why is there a huge monolithic boulder?
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
The Creator
Available Prints
18 x 20 inch
24 x 26 inch
36 x 40 inch
48 x 52 inch
60 x 66 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
This is my, Creator. It's a biblical story, I thought it was very interesting. So, I divided up our world in to air, water and earth, and its different dimensions and its different characteristics. And then I put what lives on, or in it or above it.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
The Musicians
Available Prints
12 x 15 inch
10 x 12 inch
- Limited Edition
17 x 21 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
"The Musicians" whom were any good at all, truly got in tune with their instruments, and in turn, they would become one with the instruments they were playing.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
The Pioneer
Available Prints
12 x 12 inch
18 x 18 inch
24 x 24 inch
30 x 30 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
I only have one memory, of when I was very young, and I was trying to go on an adventure. My mother always said I was running away, but all I wanted to do was see what was around the corner. Like this little guy, and his toy, on their way to discovery.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
The Stream
Available Prints
6 x 12 inch
7 1/2 x 15 inch
- Limited Edition
11 x 22 inch
15 x 30 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
The name of this painting is "The Stream", and its nothing more than a nice little landscape with a tie in with civilization by way of a small wooden bridge strewn across the span of the stream. This is a favorite painting of many.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
The Swing (Detail)
Available Prints
10 x 15 inch
10 x 15 inch
- Limited Edition
12 x 18 inch
18 x 27 inch
24 x 36 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
Grabbing hold of the rope of opportunity, we swing into the future of unknowns, with determination and hope.
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All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  |  Document Parsing by HTMLDoc
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