LoVe Artes
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Back in 2005 I got this idea, by riding a horse in Big Meadow, that 'Almost Home' would be a really good idea. So, I put this guy on a horse on a hill, with his house down below, and I titled it 'Almost Home'. It's 20 x 34 and I finished it in 2005, I believe. People have asked how he's going to get down to his house, but you don't know what's on the other side of the hill, it could be an easy ride.


Sketches at Home

Not too many sketches were created by Vernon for 'Almost Home'. We've found two thus far, maybe we'll find more in the future, but for now these are just dandy seeing as one has a preliminary sketch for another painting, that being 'Faces Without Faces', how cool is that.

Almost Home

Almost Home

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