Tag: figures
Betwixt n' Between
Not quite sure how this thought entered my mind, whether it was given to me or I just thought it up,..
A few friends volunteered to pose for me to create this painting. Two ladies and two guys posed a..
Creation of Adam and Eve
This painting came from a vision I had, a dream of sorts. A dream that starts in the dark, and th..
Dance of the Moon and Sun
After watching a TV show, about the Universe, and they concentrated more on the Sun and the Moon...
Into Eternity
This painting started as a small light in a dark background, and as it grew larger and larger there ..
Marmalade Skies
A dramatic view to help illustrate the remarkable Beatles song, in a fairy tale setting. A beauti..
Back in 1974 I was very heavy into meditation, until it became natural. So I got a strange idea, kin..
Memories! Well, this just sort of floated into my mind, and I thought, 'well that's a good idea'..
Piece of Cake
This painting portrays a piece of cake in which the white cake stands in for the white man, where..
This painting is called Reach. It came from a conversation that several of us had about:..
Secret Box
This little painting is called 'The Secret Box', I think I did it in 1985. I did it for a poster,..
Starting Point
My memory doesn't help me in remembering the reason why I did this specific painting. There are s..
The Choir
My friends, Bruce, Ed and I, took a camping tour all through Arizona, up into Utah. We stopped at..
The Creator
This is my, "Creator". It's a biblical story, I thought it was very interesting. So, I divided up ou..
The Musicians
When I lived in Las Vegas, during the 60s, I hung around with a lot of different bands. Most were..
The Tree
A picture of a tree, but not just any other tree. Look closely, there are two figures intertwined..
Three Women Walking
Hum, this is a little whimsy. It's, "Three Women Walking", I got this idea from watching a parade, a..
This is a painting that I did back in the early 60s, it's called Truth. There's a little baby, Ch..
Walk Into the Storm
This painting, is called "Walk Into the Storm". I remember walking in the warm rain, in the summ..