Emerging Artist
Available Prints
14 x 11 inch
13 x 10 inch
- Limited Edition
18 x 14 inch
Vernon Finney
Brief Description
Quite simply, an artist hatching out of an egg, with a paintbrush in his hand. The premise, being the artist coming out of his shell unto the world stage. A coming of age for the young painter, if you will.
Visit: loveartes.com   |   Call: 1 (213) 293-4878   |   Email: prints@loveartes.com

All artwork proudly created and produced in Southern California, United States of America, and is © Copyrighted
Catalog v2.0 by DoctorLouie  |  1 (213) 293-GURU [4878]  |  guru@MyVirtualPrivate.com  |  PDF Parsing by HTMLDoc