LoVe Artes

Not quite sure how this thought entered my mind, whether it was given to me or I just thought it up, and it's called "Betwixt n Between". The little guy in the center is encased, the dark figures are the past, and the figures in the light are the future. So, the little guy in the middle has to decide how much of the past he's going to take along with him, and the more he takes the less bright the future will be, well at least that's what I think. The size is 24 x 36 and I did it 1994**. Gosh that seems like a long time ago.

**Correction: The painting was done in 1997.

Sketches n' B-Twixt B-Tween

A few sketches for this piece, on two sheets of paper. The first sheet goes through various concepts on best portraying the philosophical idea behind "Betwixt n' Between", and the second sheet is an actual sketch for the painting as it was painted. To note, the painting was thought up and completed in August 1997, having been finished on the 30th of August.


Betwixt n' Between

Betwixt n' Between

  • $200.00

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